Friday, November 15, 2013

You, Y'all, All Y'all

First of all, I would like to congratulate y'all on making it to Friday! Woohoo! You deserve a drink or three two. I am going to keep this post light and fun since my mind is already on weekend time.

This past week Rob and I were watching one of the shows we DVR’d, and one of the characters said, “Hey you guys…” We both kind of looked up at each other with a confused look on our faces. “You guys” is definitely not a phrase in our day-to-day vocabulary. This saying irritates me to no end. What if you are talking to all women, would you say, “hey you girls?" Or a mixed group, “hey you girls and guys?” No, because that just ain't right.

The Broaddus household is 100% a “y’all” saying family. After a conversation that lasted longer than you would think, we decided on the following:
1 person = You
2 people = Y’all
3+ people = All Y’all
No questions about it. Maybe this is just because we live south of the Mason-Dixon Line, but this is how it is and how it needs to be.

Ironically, today I was reading a blog that had a fun little “What American Accent Do you Have” quiz liked to it.
Here is the link if you would like to take it yourself: What American Accent Do You Have
And here are my results:

95% The Midland and 73% The South - I’ll take it.
I know, I know, all this “y’all” talk and I wasn’t 100% The South?! It’s cool though. I actually think it’s a pretty accurate description of my accent. If you have ever talked to me on the phone while I was at work, you probably agree that “You have a good voice to TV and radio,” is the truth.

Take the quiz for yourself. Let me know what your results are or if you agree with my “y’all” theory.

Have a good weekend y’all (I just couldn’t resist).


1 comment:

  1. I guess I am a "you guys" kind of person, because I grew up in Pennsylvania.. This I probably why you have the Midland mix and not just the Southern accent, being raised by a Yankee.. Either way, "you guys" have a great weekend too. Love Mom
